AKA Debbie & Donna’s Guide to Ambassador-ing

Things change fast on the internet, and we thought it might be helpful to you if we shared some helpful hints to help you on your ambassador journey. We’ll be updating this page as we learn new things, so stay tuned for updates!

1.) There is no wrong way to Ambassador. The first rule of Ambassador-ing is that YOU make the rules. Everyone connects in different ways, and only you know how you can communicate best. Here’s a list of ideas that we came up with - can you add any more? 

  • Personal emails
  • Public posts on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media
  • Drop a link in your newsletter sidebar 
  • Share a link on your website
  • Perform or teach a class in your favorite items

Some things work better in certain spaces, e.g., if you want to highlight something you’re wearing when you teach, it’s probably easiest to mention your discount code instead of rattling off your full referral link. In that case, your students are more likely to get the spelling of your code correct than a full web address. 

We do have one request: let’s keep the Ambassador Program vibes positive! When the Team talks about the Ambassador Program, we always come back to the idea of spreading the D.Webb love, emphasis on the LOVE. We are a brand that aims to build people up and help them feel good in their own skin, so let’s keep the good energy flowing. 

2.) A picture is worth a thousand words... One of the reasons we picked you for this program is because you’re not afraid to show the world your beautiful face. Selfies, performances, and professional pictures can paint some intriguing pictures for the people watching your feed. Here are some of our favorites from YOU Ambassadors

3.) ...but everyone is waiting for you to spill the tea.  Why do you shop D. Webb? What is so wonderful about your favorite piece? A testimonial from you is a good reason for people to check us out. Sometimes they’ll click on over just because you’re the coolest, BUT a few words why they should buy could be a nice positive nudge in our direction. If you’re wearing a specific style, try to use the name as we have it listed on the website to make it easier to find. 

BONUS: Did you know that you can create custom item links in the “Marketing Tools” tab of your Ambassador Dashboard? Grab a product link from and paste it into the product page link box. A link will be generated for that specific item, and you’ll get commission from all the items they buy. This is a great way to order troupe items!

4.) Tag - you’re it! Tagging us on social media is another good way to help people find us. Here’s some info for your quick reference:

HASHTAG: #dwebbempire
Instagram TAG: @d_webb_designs
Facebook TAG: @dwebbdesigns - the tag will also come up if you type “@D.Webb”

5.) LINK IN BIO! Consider adding “D.Webb Ambassador” to your profile bio. The more spaces you drop your link, the more likely someone is to click it. 

6.) Look! We made you a thing - the D. Webb Ambassador badge!


Looking for graphics for your website or newsletter? Need a quick way to drop the D.Webb logo on some pictures or video? Use the badge anywhere your wish. You will be able to download a copy from the Ambassador Dashboard in the “Marketing Tools” tab. 

If the badge doesn’t quite work for you - maybe you need it in a different color, send Donna an email at She might be able to come up with something that fits your project better.  

Sparked any good ideas yet? We’re excited to see where you take this. Please reach out if you need help figuring it out!

-Donna & Debbie